Community Hero Tribute: Al Hajj Naim Shah Sr. Faith Family Unity

“Hold the Line!” rang loud during the special community hero tribute to Al Hajj Naim Shah Sr. “I had no idea Naim Shah Sr. was so revered to that degree by his family,” one attendee said. Sister Bridges, a prominent community activist, said, “First let’s give honor to Papa Shah’s mother because she laid the foundation to enable him to do the work he started and then pass it on to his brother (i.e. Khalid Shah)”.  Brother Sidney Cosby, Director of TRIO Talent Search at Los Angeles Southwest Community College, expressed what an honor it was to have the event hosted at his college. We owe him and the college a special acknowledgement for all their support.

While speaking Al Hajj Naim Shah Sr. acknowledged his “teacher trainer friend”, the late Imam Ali Rasheed, he honored his brother Khalid Shah, his family, and all the community members present. He reminded the community of a verse in the Quran, chapter Al-Furqan, verse 74  that says, “Our Lord! Grant unto us wives and offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes and give us (the grace) to lead the righteous”. According to the commentary of this verse by Ibn Kathir, the leader given the grace to lead the righteous are those that want to share their religious virtues with their families and utilize the gifts bestowed upon them by God for the betterment of society. Several post event acknowledgements were shared by the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California, Los Angeles Sentinel Newspaper, and the UMMA Clinic. Special thanks to Study AlIslam and the Muslim Journal for national event promotion.

 Ronnie Johnson is quoted saying, “Papa Shah is a light sent down from the heavens to shine bright in the community”.  Dr. Imam Jihad reminded us of the depth of Al Hajj Naim Shah Sr.’s character when he said, “I thank the creator to live during the era of Papa Shah and the blessing it is to watch prophetic masculinity embodied”.  Others who shared words of inspiration were Sister Kenyatta Bakeer, Fareed Farukhi of Harmony Bites, Aaron Shakoor of Shakoor Reality, Aquil Basheer, and Imam Muwallat.

Khalid Shah, founder of Stop the Violence Increase the Peace Foundation and event organizer, acknowledged the presence of our dear Imam Saadiq Saafir, Founder of ILM Foundation, and  Minister Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad of the Nation of Islam. London Carter, a community violence prevention activist, shared how Naim Shah Sr. brought a Nation together, including the rolling 20s, 30s, 60s, and Hoover gang members during a community empowerment course that taught them how to effectively think in the streets to save lives. His son, Sharrieff Shah, reminded that Papa Shah’s distribution of love and equity at home was just. His life work stretched over six generations; however his grandson, who memorized the entire Quran by heart, opened the program, reconnecting the family to a pre-slavery Western African Islamic tradition.  The Quran verses recited were translated by his granddaughter Bayinnah K. Shah, who is currently an honor student at Los Angeles Southwest Community College.  

Dr. Adel Syed, reminded us that Papa Shah’s activism footprint is also in the health equity landscape in Los Angeles. Naim Shah Sr. was a former board member of the UMMA Clinic who presented him with a lifetime achievement award. Award acknowledgements were also presented by the honorable Emma Sharif Mayor of Compton, Senior field representative at California State Assembly, Herb Wesson III, Br. Shafeeq Shamsid-Deen of Cair LA,  Omar Ricci of the Islamic Center of Los Angeles, Associate Manager Community Impact-Relations of the Los Angeles Rams Ghalee Wadood, and Dr. Ahmed Soboh, Board Chair of the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California.

Mr. Rey Liggins, Executive Director of Stop the Violence Increase the Peace Foundation, Darmesha Shah, Director of Operations of Dawah 2000, Alicia Hamilton, Imam Hateem Shareef, and Resident Imam of Masjid Bilal Ibn Rabah. did an excellent job organizing the event. The event ended with over twenty community awards distributed to local activists for their remarkable efforts. Please take time to view the e-version of the event program booklet here and the event video of Al Hajj Naim Shah Sr., here.

“O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you” (Quran Chapter 49:13).



How Does ILM Foundation Qurbani Work?

Your ILM Qurbani donation buys a share value of a sacrificial animal. For example goats and sheep are one Qurbani share. A cow is seven shares and can be split between seven individuals. ILM facilitates the entire process following all the Islamic guidelines with our own farmers and staff during the days of Eid al-Adha.

On your behalf ILM distributes your entire Qurbani donation fresh to Muslims orphans, widows, elderly, and disable in the local area. The Prophet ﷺ said: “I used to forbid you to store the meat of the sacrificed animals for more than three days so that there would be enough for everyone. But now Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, has bestowed plenty Upon us, so eat, give in charity and store. Indeed, these days are the days of eating, drinking and remembering Allah.” (Nasā’ī)

ILM Qurbani sacrifice is performed on the 11th and 12th day of Dhul Hijjah. This is to ensure our USA donors’ Qurbani are all made after their Eid prayers.  Qurbani is expected by every non-disabled Muslim who has reached the age of puberty and for everyone that meets the rules of Zakat. Please consult your local Imam to determine whom Qurbani is compulsory for.

Who needs to offer Qurbani?

The Hanafi School states that any adult, sane Muslim who possesses the Nisab value must give a Qurbani. So if you are eligible to pay Zakat, you need to offer a Qurbani. It is a practice of Prophet Muhammad (saw) who Anas bin Malik (ra) said, ‘The Prophet (saw) used to sacrifice two rams, and I also sacrifice two rams’. [Bukhari]

During the days of Eid al-Adha, the Prophet (saw) would offer both his obligatory sacrifice and an extra Qurbani on behalf of people who couldn’t afford a sacrifice. ‘The Prophet (saw) sacrificed for the one who could not sacrifice from his Ummah, one who bore witness to the Oneness of Allah and [his] Prophethood’. [Tabarani and Ahmad]

How Much is ILM Foundation Qurbani?

For one share per person the cost  $70 for a goat and $99 for a cow share. A whole cow is $693 worth seven shares.

What are the Qurbani Eid Dates?

The Qurbani sacrifice will be made after Eid prayer, over the three days of Eid: the 10th, 11th, and 12th days of Dhul Hijjah.

Qurbani (animal) Share Selection & Slaughter Criteria

Goat and sheep are at least one year and cows two years. The animals must me in good health. The actual slaughter is performed with a sharp knife. No animal is to be slaughtered in front of another animal. When the sacrifice is being made, the words “Bismillahi Allahu Akbar” are to be said.

Jundab bin Sufyan Al-Bajali reported, ‘I witnessed the Prophet (saw) on the Day of Nahr (or Eid day). He (saw) said, “Whoever slaughtered the sacrifice before offering the Eid prayer, should slaughter another sacrifice in its place; and whoever has not slaughtered their sacrifice yet, should slaughter now’“. (Bukhari)

How to Pay Qurbani?

You may pay your Qurbani with ILM Foundation to ensure that your Qurbani share is sacrificed Islamic correct and distributed to those in need. Feel free pay here.

Can I cut my nails or hair if I’m giving a Qurbani?

It is strongly encouraged that the one who intends to give the Qurbani does not cut their hair or nails, starting from the first day of Dhul-Hijjah up until after the sacrifice. The Prophet (saw) said, ‘When the ten days (of Dhul-Hijjah) start, and one of you intends to sacrifice, then let him not cut his hair or his nails’. (Muslim)


Qurbani Remembering The Greatest Sacrifice

True Friendship and Sacrifice

Qurbani takes place in Dhul Hijjah, the final month of the Islamic calendar following the Eid al-Adha prayer. Qurbani is a reenactment of the sacrifice Prophet Ibrahim (as) made with his son, Ismail (as), for the sake of Allah (SWT). Qurbani is an animal that is sacrificed and the shares are divided. Eligible Muslims are responsible to do Qurbani sacrificing of an animal or entrusting someone to do it on their behalf on the 10th, 11th, and 12th days of Dhul Hijjah (after special Eid prayers).

Prophet Ibrahim was the Khalil (friend) of the Lord of all the words. As a Khalil he constantly demonstrated the greatest form of love towards Allah. He was then blessed with a righteous son, Ismail. And when a portion of his heart began to attach toward His son, Allah then tested their friendship.

“When he was old enough to walk with him, he said, “My son! I have seen in a dream that I am sacrificing you. See what you think.” He said, “My father, do that which you are commanded. You will find me, Allah willing, one of the patient.” Quran 37.102

After Prophet Ibrahim (as) proved that He loved Allah more than anything else, the conflict in heart disappeared; and therefore there was no need to sacrifice His son. “Allah says, “We ransom him with a great sacrifice“. Quran 37:107 So Ismail (as) was replaced with a sacrificial animal which Prophet Ibrahim slaughtered. This story of friendship, sincerity, and love for Allah will be praised and practiced until the day of Judgement. Source Tafsir Chapter 37:83-113

As Eid approaches, we get ready to follow in the footsteps of Prophet Ibrahim (as), who was ready to sacrifice what was most dear to him upon Allah’s command. This year, you really are making the greatest sacrifice that will have the greatest impact on the Ummah. Qurbani signals completion of the Hajj. The Hajj is the pilgrimage made to the holy city of Mecca. Qurbani is huge tradition in many parts of the Muslim world celebrated with family and friends.

Qurbani is a spiritual action and a chance to draw closer to Allah! ‘Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you.’ Qur’an, 22:37 The meat from your Qurbani will be distributed to those most in need, nourishing them during the days of Eid al-Adha and beyond, and bringing them joy in these hard times. Meanwhile, the essence of your offering will reach Allah – so we urge you to give a sacrifice truly worthy of this status, according to your means. We also urge you to follow the Prophet’s practice of giving an additional Qurbani on behalf of the the Muslims who cannot afford to do so.


The Impactful Life Journey of Naim Shah Sr.

Early Life

Naim Shah Sr. was born Bartha Bill Watkins on April 1, 1945, in Los Angeles, California to parents Bartha Bill Watkins Sr. and Mary Augerson Watkins. His two siblings are brothers, Earl Watkins and Bobby Watkins, later to be known as Khalid Shah.

Nation of Islam & Transition

He said the greatest day of his life was when he was 18 years old hearing for the first time in 1963 “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger”.  It was during that time he accepted the teaching of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, one of the greatest social reformers in modern history, and his teacher Master Fard Muhammad, of the Nation of Islam. Ali Rasheed was the Western Regional Captain of the Nation of Islam and eventually the Imam of Masjid Malcolm Shabazz in Harlem, New York. He became his main mentor, father figure, teacher, trainer, brother, and friend. May Allah have mercy on his soul and forgive his sins.

He advanced rapidly in the Nation of Islam from a general member in 1963 to squad leader lieutenant at Flex Bilal Mosque 27, Los Angeles CA.  He was a part of the top West Coast Muhammad Speaks paper salesmen team responsible for selling more than 360,000 papers a week.  He was also one of the top fish salesmen selling more than 1,000 pounds a week.  At 27 years old he became the youngest Nation of Islam West Coast regional captain responsible for 17 states.

In 1975, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad returned to Allah. His son Imam Warith Deen Muhammad became the leader of the Nation of Islam moving the community into Orthodox Islam. Imam W. D. Muhammad was responsible for the largest conversion of Muslims to Islam in modern American history. Bartha Bill Watkins Jr. was also part of that conversion taking on a new Islamic identity and name Naim Shah Sr.

Marriages, Family, and Papa Shah

At the crescent of his transformation, he married Sister Clurie Davis who also entered the Nation of Islam. On July 5, 1969, they gave birth to their first child, Naim Shah Jr., then Sharrieff, Darmesha, and Abdul Karim. He later married Ava Nelson expanding the family with her three children Nicole, Miisha, and Bilal, and he married our dear Sister Elaine Saafir.

Naim Shah Sr. raised his children in Los Angeles neighborhoods where it was rare to find homes with acting fathers. Papa Shah is a title bestowed on him by his children’s friends who found a father figure in him. As a result, Papa Shah’s name is known for love, strength, and security in neighborhoods and football stadiums throughout Los Angeles.  This is well-known by Coach Irving Davis at Dorsey High School.

Community Violence Prevention Achievements

In the late 80s and early 90s, there were more than 1,100 gang and gun-related homicides in the Second Supervisorial District of Los Angeles County. Epidemiologists and the Department of Public Health concluded that the majority of those killed were Black between the ages of 14 and 24. It was at this very critical time Naim Shah Sr. encouraged his brother Khalid Shah and other community activists to organize community faith-based and active gang leaders from Watts, Inglewood, South, East, and West Los Angeles to come to Stop the Violence and Increase the Peace Foundation (STV-IPF) office in a meeting. Present at that meeting were Naim Shah Sr., Steve Harvey, Master P, and others.

At that time there was almost no business or political support for anti-violence peace initiative work in the community. The few fearless exceptions were Danny Bakewell, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, and Supervisor Yvonne Braithwaite Burke. What grew out of those foundation meetings at STV-IPF was socially transforming work by leaders like Aqeela and Daude Sherrills, Twilight Bey, Aquil Basheer, London Carter, Raina Carrillo, and many others. What started as a concern by Naim Shah Sr. has now become a national strategy that, according to the LA Times, has reduced gang and gun violence in Los Angeles to a 50-year low.

Dawah 2000

In 1994 Naim Shah Sr. became an active member of Masjid Ibaadillah under the leadership of Imam Saadiq Saafir, now evolved to Islah LA under the leadership of Dr. Imam Jihad Saafir. His prayer and studies of Islam revived this one-of-a-kind leader into founding Dawah 2000.

Its programs included Muslim Journal distribution, prison outreach services, the famous Brother to Brother West Coast Conferences, community security training, homeless services, support for elderly and sick Muslims, ILM Foundation security advisor, Humanitarian Day Security Chair, Islamic Shura Council security advisor, and public speaking appearances.  He also proudly served on the board of UMMA Community Clinic for many years.

Hajj Pilgrimage

A few years after completing his Umrah, Allah blessed him to complete the Hajj Pilgrimage in Makkah. A life journey that started in 1945, entering the Nation of Islam in 1963, and making the transition to Al Islam in 1975, Allah blessed to reach the final pillar of Hajj in 2019.

He thanks Dar-El-Salaam Islamic World Travel for sponsoring his Hajj. He is grateful for the community’s warm Hajj sendoff celebration at Masjid Ibn Raba. He said his most memorable experience was making his final seven tawafs (circuits) around the Kaba with his son Naim Shah Jr. and grandchildren Bayinnah, Rasheedah, Hadiyah, and Naim Sharrieff.  Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said three times, “The religion is sincerity.” They said, “To whom?” The Prophet said, “To Allah, to His Book, to the leaders of the Muslims and their common people.”

The community salutes you Papa Shah for your sincerity and discipline to complete the mission Allah granted him. Collectively we are here to bear witness to a job well done. May Allah accept all your efforts and forgive your sins.

Please attend A Tribute to Community Hero: Al Hajj Naim Shah Sr.


Tribute: Al Hajj Naim Shah Sr.

It is with great pleasure to invite you to Al Hajj Naim Shah Sr.’s special community hero tribute on, Saturday, June 29, 2024, at the Southwest Community College Theater. The event is from 11 am to 2 pm.

Al Hajj Naim Shah Sr. is simply a testament that God is the most deserving of our praise, gratitude, and service. He often quotes a famous tradition by Prophet Muhammad (s) that reads, “The best of people are those who are most beneficial to others.” He has been one of the most beneficial members in our community in terms of service to others for the past sixty years. His direct participation and influence has laid the foundation for much of the current community building and peace initiatives throughout Los Angeles.

It is our hopes that you can join us during to this blessed occasion. Please reserve your seats here . Event parking is free at lot 4 off of Western Blvd. before Imperial going North. Please see the campus map here.

The event is free of charge, however, if you are able to make a contribution to cover some of the cost it would be greatly appreciated. Online donations can be processed via QR code below. Please mail donations to 6250 LaTijera Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90056, check payable to the ILM Foundation. We are truly grateful for your support and looking forward to your attendance.


Humanitarian Day Oakland

MU’EED has been a part of the Coalition to Preserve Human Dignity coordinating Humanitarian Day founded by the ILM since 2009. HDAY is a special Charity event during the month of Ramadan. HDAY events serve the unhoused and undeserved in our local communities. In Alameda county alone which includes Oakland, there are over 6,000 people sleeping outside on any given night.

The 16th Annual Humanitarian Day Oakland will take place at Lighthouse Mosque. The event will start at 10:30 am. Those interested in volunteering please fill out the following volunteer form.


HDAY 2024 Pomona

This year Humanitarian Day in Pomona took place on Saturday, 3/23/2024. The efforts were headed by ILM Foundation’s Pomona Team: “A Couple of Brothers” and included a combination of hygiene kits, water, and hot meals. A total of 60 bags were distributed to those in need, alhamdulillah. The delicious Halal hot meals were provided by Br. Alejandro of Ariyaki Hibachi in Riverside, CA. 

This Humanitarian Day, “A Couple of Brothers” crew decided to provide some of the best quality and most popular food possible out of respect and dignity for our people in need locally. The hygiene kits included two rolls of toilet paper each, hand sanitizers, toothbrushes/toothpaste, soap, socks, feminine items, and more.

“A Couple of Brothers” (which includes a little sister!) has been providing goods to the homeless and needy community in Pomona and surrounding areas on a monthly basis focusing on food, hygiene items, and winter clothing depending on the greatest need. Stay tuned for more, inshaa Allah!



Rooted in Service Powered by Faith the 24th Annual Humanitarian Day of Action aims to build community by strengthening our faith service ILM Foundation (Intellect-Love-Mercy). leads HUMANITARIAN DAY (HDAY) event on Sunday, March 24, 2024, serving people experiencing homelessness in honor of Ramadan.

The ILM Foundation established Humanitarian Day during the Holy Month of Ramadan to uplift the unhoused. Through their efforts, they aim to spread awareness about housing insecurity and encourage individuals to make a positive impact by volunteering to distribute essential supply bags with UMMA Clinic offering health screenings. Humanitarian Day Ramadan Campaigns marks the beginning of ILM’s annual distribution goal of 10,000 essential packages in Los Angeles, Oakland Mu’eed, Pomona (A Couple of Brothers), and Pasadena (R.E.B.O.U.N.D.).

Event: Humanitarian Day
Save the Date: Sunday, March 24, 2024
PDF Flyer: 2024 PDF Flyer Rooted in
Service Powered by Faith
Time: 9 am – 1 pm
Where: Gladys Park Los Angeles (6th and Gladys Street)
For press inquiries contact
[email protected]